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   1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
   2 #
   3 # Scans all wiki page sources in configured directory and outputs found
   4 # anomalies to stdout in a human readable format.
   5 #
   6 # Detected anomalies:
   7 # - Obscure code points:
   8 #   - Replacement code point "�".
   9 #   - Marks in grapheme clusters without a leading letter.
  10 #   - Category C except tab.
  11 # - Invalid wiki directives:
  12 #   - Redirect in other than first line after optional leading comments.
  13 #   - Any non-comment non-directive after valid redirect.
  14 # - Old wiki tags:
  15 #   - <b>
  16 #   - <br>
  17 #   - <i>
  18 #   - <nowiki>
  19 #   - <pre>
  20 #   - <toc>
  21 #   - <tt>
  22 # - Tag case:
  23 #   - <<BR>>
  24 # - Headlines:
  25 #   - leading or trailing whitespace.
  26 #   - Open and close tags of differing length.
  27 #   - Level > 5.
  28 #   - Missing whitespace between tags and headline text.
  29 #   - Headlines with leading "#" or "*" in name (leftovers from old wiki).
  30 #   - Missing headline text (except "#" or "*").
  31 #   - Markup in text.
  32 # - Links:
  33 #   - Quoted internal links (failed old wiki conversion).
  34 #   - Old-wiki-style external links.
  35 #   - Old-wiki-style upload/attachment links.
  36 # - Lists:
  37 #   - Old-wiki-style bullet lists (line starts with '*')
  38 #   - Old-wiki-style numbered list (line starts with '#') when mixed with 
  39 #     bullet lists (else they look like a directive or comment).
  40 # - Old wiki paragraph modes:
  41 #   - Indenting (leading ':').
  42 #   - Definition list (leading ';').
  43 #
  44 # 2012-12-26 Allan Wegan <allanwegan@allanwegan.de>
  45 # 2017-12-30 Allan Wegan <allanwegan@allanwegan.de>
  46 #
  48 import re
  49 import glob
  50 import os
  51 import platform
  52 import sys
  53 import unicodedata
  54 import urllib.parse
  55 from io import StringIO
  56 import codecs
  58 baseDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
  60 sourceDir = os.path.join(baseDir, 'backup')
  61 blacklist = (
  62     'HilfeZurCreoleSyntax.txt',
  63 )
  65 # Finds all occurences of a regular expression pattern in given :
  66 class ReCache:
  67     cache = dict()
  69     def compile(self, pattern, flags = 0):
  70         cache = self.cache
  71         if pattern not in cache:
  72             cache[pattern] = dict()
  73         cache = cache[pattern]
  74         if flags not in cache:
  75             cache[flags] = re.compile(pattern, flags)
  76         return cache[flags]
  78     def finditer(self, pattern, text, flags = 0):
  79         return self.compile(pattern, flags).finditer(text)
  81     def match(self, pattern, text, flags = 0):
  82         return self.compile(pattern, flags).match(text)
  84     def search(self, pattern, text, flags = 0):
  85         return self.compile(pattern, flags).search(text)
  87     def sub(self, pattern, replacement, text, flags = 0):
  88         return self.compile(pattern, flags).sub(replacement, text)
  90 # Outputs found anomalies:
  91 class AnomalyOutputter:
  93     qoute = '"'
  94     ellipsis = ''
  95     sol = '|'
  96     eol = '|'
  97     maxPartLength = 70
  98     minAfterLength = 20
 100     pathCount = 0
 101     lineCount = 0
 102     anomalyCount = 0
 103     anomalyCounts = dict()
 104     lastPath = r''
 105     lastLineNr = 0
 107     def __init__(self, outputStream, textEscaper, textDecorator):
 108         self.o = outputStream
 109         self.e = textEscaper
 110         self.d = textDecorator
 112     def out(self, path, lineNr, startColumn, endColumn, line, anomaly):
 113         o = self.o
 114         e = self.e
 115         d = self.d
 116         q = self.qoute
 117         if self.lastPath != path:
 118             self.lastPath = path
 119             self.pathCount += 1
 120             ePath = d.decorateText(e.escape(path), d.textBCyan)
 121             pageName = os.path.basename(path).replace(r' - ', '/')
 122             if pageName[-4:] == '.txt':
 123                 pageName = pageName[0:-4]
 124             url = 'https://larpwiki.de/' + urllib.parse.quote(pageName)
 125             eUrl = d.decorateText(url, d.textWhite)
 126             o.write('\n{0}:\n  {1}\n'.format(ePath, eUrl))
 127         if self.lastLineNr != lineNr:
 128             if self.lastLineNr != lineNr:
 129                 self.lineCount += 1
 130                 self.lastLineNr = lineNr
 131             eLineNr = d.decorateText(str(lineNr + 1), d.textBYellow)
 132             o.write('  Line {0}:\n'.format(eLineNr))
 133         self.anomalyCount += 1
 134         if anomaly not in self.anomalyCounts:
 135             self.anomalyCounts[anomaly] = 1
 136         else:
 137             self.anomalyCounts[anomaly] += 1
 138         eColumn = d.decorateText(str(startColumn + 1), d.textBYellow)
 140         ml = self.maxPartLength
 142         # Extract as much of the anomaly as allowed and selected:
 143         t = e.escapeLimitRight(line[startColumn:endColumn], ml)
 144         part = t[0]
 145         partCpLength = t[1]
 146         partComplete = ((endColumn - startColumn - partCpLength) == 0)
 147         ml = max(0, ml - len(part))
 149         # Extract leading text but reserve some quota for trailing:
 150         if partComplete:
 151             mal = min(len(line) - endColumn, int(ml / 2), self.minAfterLength)
 152         else:
 153             mal = 0
 154         bLength = min(startColumn, ml - mal)
 155         t = e.escapeLimitLeft(line[:startColumn], bLength)
 156         before = t[0]
 157         beforeCpLength = t[1]
 158         ml = max(0, ml - len(before))
 160         # Extract as much of trailing text as available and quota left:
 161         if partComplete:
 162             t = e.escapeLimitRight(line[endColumn:], ml)
 163             after = t[0]
 164             afterCpLength = t[1]
 165         else:
 166             after = r''
 167             afterCpLength = 0
 169         if startColumn - beforeCpLength > 0:
 170             sol = self.ellipsis
 171         else:
 172             sol = self.sol
 173         if (startColumn + partCpLength + afterCpLength) < len(line):
 174             eol = self.ellipsis
 175         else:
 176             eol = self.eol
 177         before = d.decorateText(before, d.textYellow)
 178         part = d.decorateText(part, d.textBYellow, d.textUnderline)
 179         after = d.decorateText(after, d.textYellow)
 180         msg = '    Column {1}, anomaly {0}{2}{0}:\n'
 181         o.write(msg.format(q, eColumn, anomaly))
 182         msg = '      {1}{0}{2}{3}{4}{0}{5}\n'
 183         o.write(msg.format(q, sol, before, part, after, eol))
 185 # Colorizes output for ANSI terminals:
 186 class AnsiTextDecorator:
 188     textBlack = r'30'
 189     textRed = r'31'
 190     textGreen = r'32'
 191     textYellow = r'33'
 192     textBlue = r'34'
 193     textMagenta = r'35'
 194     textCyan = r'36'
 195     textGrey = r'37'
 196     textBGrey = r'30;1'
 197     textBRed = r'31;1'
 198     textBGreen = r'32;1'
 199     textBYellow = r'33;1'
 200     textBBlue = r'34;1'
 201     textBMagenta = r'35;1'
 202     textBCyan = r'36;1'
 203     textWhite = r'37;1'
 204     textBold = r'1'
 205     textItalic = r'3'
 206     textUnderline = r'4'
 207     backgroundBlack = r'40'
 208     backgroundRed = r'41'
 209     backgroundGreen = r'42'
 210     backgroundYellow = r'43'
 211     backgroundBlue = r'44'
 212     backgroundMagenta = r'45'
 213     backgroundCyan = r'46'
 214     backgroundGrey = r'47'
 216     def decorateText(self, text, *codes):
 217         if not len(codes):
 218             return text
 219         codesString = r''
 220         for code in codes:
 221             codesString += '\x1B[' + code + r'm'
 222         return codesString + text + '\x1B[0m'
 224 class dummyTextDecorator(AnsiTextDecorator):
 226     def decorateText(self, text, *codes):
 227         return text
 229 # Escapes non-printable code points except space (0x20) in given text:
 230 class TextEscaper:
 232     def escape(self, text):
 233         if not len(text): return r''
 234         return repr(text)[1:-1].replace(r'"', r'\"')
 236     def escapeLimitRight(self, text, maxLength):
 237         if maxLength <= 0:
 238             return r'', 0
 239         buffer = StringIO()
 240         length = 0
 241         cpCount = 0
 242         for cp in text:
 243             cp = self.escape(cp)
 244             newLength = length + len(cp)
 245             if newLength > maxLength:
 246                 break
 247             buffer.write(cp)
 248             cpCount += 1
 249             length = newLength
 250             if length == maxLength:
 251                 break
 252         return buffer.getvalue(), cpCount
 254     def escapeLimitLeft(self, text, maxLength):
 255         if maxLength <= 0:
 256             return r'', 0
 257         cpList = []
 258         length = 0
 259         index = len(text)
 260         while index > 0:
 261             index -= 1
 262             cp = self.escape(text[index])
 263             newLength = length + len(cp)
 264             if newLength > maxLength:
 265                 break
 266             cpList.insert(0, cp)
 267             length = newLength
 268             if length == maxLength:
 269                 break
 270         buffer = StringIO()
 271         for cp in cpList:
 272             buffer.write(cp)
 273         return buffer.getvalue(), len(cpList)
 275 def main():
 276     o = sys.stdout
 277     e = TextEscaper()
 278     if o.isatty() and (platform.system() != 'Windows'):
 279         d = AnsiTextDecorator()
 280         import subprocess
 281         cols = int(subprocess.Popen(('tput', 'cols'),
 282             stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.read())
 283         if cols <= 0:
 284             cols = 80
 285     else:
 286         d = dummyTextDecorator()
 287         cols = 80
 288     ao = AnomalyOutputter(o, e, d)
 289     ao.maxPartLength = cols - 11
 290     rec = ReCache()
 291     fileCount = 0
 292     blistedCount = 0
 293     try:
 294         o.write('Scanning files...\n')
 295         paths = glob.iglob(os.path.join(sourceDir, "*.txt"))
 296         for path in paths:
 297             if not os.path.isfile(path):
 298                 continue
 299             if path in blacklist:
 300                 blistedCount += 1
 301                 continue
 302             fileCount += 1
 304             # Read file and report broken UTF-8 encoding:
 305             with open(path, 'rb') as file:
 306                 textBytes = file.read()
 307             decoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder('utf-8')()
 308             lines, line, invalidEncoding = [], [], False
 309             lastI = len(textBytes) + 1
 310             for i in range(0, len(textBytes)):
 311                 try:
 312                     cp = decoder.decode(textBytes[i:i+1], i == lastI)
 313                     if len(cp) != 0:
 314                         if cp == '\n':
 315                             if line[-1:] == ['\r']:
 316                                 del line[-1]
 317                             lines.append(''.join(line))
 318                             line = []
 319                         else:
 320                             line.append(cp)
 321                 except ValueError:
 322                     invalidEncoding = True
 323                     lineNr, cpIndex = len(lines) + 1, len(line)
 324                     lineStr = ''.join(line)
 325                     msg = r'UTF-8 invalid byte while decoding line!'
 326                     ao.out(path, lineNr, cpIndex, cpIndex + 1, lineStr, msg)
 327                     break
 328             if invalidEncoding:
 329                 continue
 330             lines.append(''.join(line))
 332             firstDirectiveLine = 1
 333             validRedirectPresent = False
 334             for lineNr, line in enumerate(lines):
 335                 commentLine = line.startswith('##')
 336                 directiveLine = not commentLine and line.startswith('#')
 338                 # Obscure code points:
 339                 markAllowed = False
 340                 for cpIndex, cp in enumerate(line):
 341                     anomaly = True
 342                     unexpectedMark = False
 343                     cpCat = unicodedata.category(cp)
 344                     cpCatMain = cpCat[0]
 346                     # Don't report letters, numbers, punctuation, symbols,
 347                     # whitespace and some miscategorized whitespace:
 348                     if cpCatMain in 'LNPSZ' or cp in (
 349                         '\t',
 350                         '\xad', # SOFT HYPHEN, category Cf
 351                         '\u200d', # ZERO WIDTH JOINER, category Cf
 352                         '\u200e', # LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK, category Cf
 353                         None
 354                     ):
 355                         anomaly = False
 357                     # But report REPLACEMENT CHARACTER from category So, because
 358                     # it most likely is a character set conversion artifact:
 359                     if cp == r'':
 360                         anomaly = True
 362                     # Don't report marks following letters or other marks:
 363                     if cpCatMain == 'M':
 364                         if markAllowed:
 365                             anomaly = False
 366                         else:
 367                             # Not in letter cluster.
 368                             anomaly, unexpectedMark = True, True
 369                     elif cpCatMain == 'L':
 370                         markAllowed = True
 371                     else:
 372                         markAllowed = False
 374                     if anomaly:
 375                         cpName = unicodedata.name(cp, r'unnamed')
 376                         if unexpectedMark:
 377                             suffix = ' not preceded by a letter'
 378                         else:
 379                             suffix = ''
 380                         msg = r'Unicode {0} ({1}, category {2}){3}'
 381                         msg = msg.format(e.escape(cp), cpName, cpCat, suffix)
 382                         ao.out(path, lineNr, cpIndex, cpIndex + 1, line, msg)
 384                 # Old-wiki-style lists:
 385                 match = rec.match(r'(\*|#(\*|#(\*|#)))[*#]*', line)
 386                 if match:
 387                     directiveLine = False
 388                     commentLine = False
 389                     start = match.start()
 390                     end = match.end()
 391                     ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, 'Old wiki list')
 393                 # No further wiki syntax checks for comments or after valid
 394                 # redirects:
 395                 if commentLine:
 396                     continue
 398                 # Determine first directive line
 399                 if (firstDirectiveLine == lineNr) and commentLine:
 400                     firstDirectiveLine += 1
 402                 # Detect extra non-comment markup after valid redirect:
 403                 if validRedirectPresent and not directiveLine:
 404                     match = rec.match(r'\s*(\S.*?)\s*$', line)
 405                     if match:
 406                         start = match.start(1)
 407                         end = match.end(1)
 408                         msg = 'Non-empty non-comment line after valid redirect'
 409                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 410                         continue
 412                 # Detect redirects:
 413                 match = rec.match(r'#REDIRECT(\s*)(?P<name>.*)', line)
 414                 if match:
 415                     if firstDirectiveLine:
 416                         name = match.group(r'name')
 417                         if not name:
 418                             msg = 'Redirect without target'
 419                             ao.out(path, lineNr, 0, len(line), line, msg)
 420                         else:
 421                             validRedirectPresent = True
 422                     else:
 423                         msg = 'Redirect in non-first line'
 424                         ao.out(path, lineNr, 0, len(line), line, msg)
 425                     continue
 427                 # Skip other directives:
 428                 if directiveLine:
 429                     continue
 431                 # Old-wiki-style features dependent on first char of line:
 432                 match = rec.match(r'''^(?P<firstChar>[:;])((?P<extraChars>[:;]*)
 433                     |($|[^-\(\{\[\|\)\}\]pPD] # Do not match smilies.
 434                     ))''', line, re.VERBOSE)
 435                 if match:
 436                     firstChar = match.group(r'firstChar')
 437                     extraCount = len(match.group(r'extraChars'))
 438                     end = 1 + extraCount
 439                     if firstChar == r':':
 440                         msg = 'Old wiki indenting'
 441                         ao.out(path, lineNr, 0, end, line, msg)
 442                         continue
 443                     if firstChar == r';':
 444                         msg = 'Old wiki definition list'
 445                         ao.out(path, lineNr, 0, end, line, msg)
 446                         continue
 448                 # Old wiki tags:
 449                 matches = rec.finditer(r'''<(?P<close>[/]?)(?P<name>(
 450                     b|i|nowiki|pre|toc|tt
 451                     ))>''', line, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
 452                 for match in matches:
 453                     start = match.start()
 454                     end = match.end()
 455                     closing = match.group(r'close')
 456                     tagName = match.group(r'name')
 457                     tagType = 'close' if closing else 'open'
 458                     msg = 'Old wiki tag {0} {1}'.format(tagName, tagType)
 459                     ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 461                 # <<BR>> tags (old and new):
 462                 matches = rec.finditer(r'''
 463                     (?P<open><[<`]*)
 464                     (?P<name>br)
 465                     (?P<close>[>`]*>)
 466                     ''', line, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
 467                 for match in matches:
 468                     start = match.start()
 469                     end = match.end()
 470                     tagOpen = match.group('open')
 471                     tagName = match.group('name')
 472                     tagClose = match.group('close')
 473                     if (tagOpen == '<') and (tagClose == '>'):
 474                         msg = 'Old wiki linebreak'
 475                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 476                         continue
 477                     if ((tagOpen == '<<') and (tagClose[0:2] == '>>')
 478                     and (tagName != 'BR')):
 479                         msg = 'Invalid linebreak'
 480                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 481                         continue
 483                 # Headlines:
 484                 matches = rec.finditer(r'''^
 485                     (?P<spaceBeforOpen>\s*) # Illegal.
 486                     (?P<openTag>[=]+) # Headline open tag.
 487                     (?P<spaceAfterOpen>\s*) # Required.
 488                     (?P<nIndicator>[\#*]*)\s* # Numbering from old wiki.
 489                     (?P<text>.*?) # Required headline text (non-greedy).
 490                     (?P<spaceBeforClose>\s*) # Required.
 491                     (?P<closeTag>[=]*) # Has to be same as open tag.
 492                     (?P<spaceAfterClose>\s*) # Illegal trailing whitespace.
 493                     $''', line, re.VERBOSE)
 494                 for match in matches:
 495                     spaceBeforOpen = match.group('spaceBeforOpen')
 496                     openTag = match.group('openTag')
 497                     openTagStart = match.start('openTag')
 498                     openTagEnd = match.end('openTag')
 499                     spaceAfterOpen = match.group('spaceAfterOpen')
 500                     nIndicator = match.group('nIndicator')
 501                     text = match.group('text')
 502                     spaceBeforClose = match.group('spaceBeforClose')
 503                     closeTag = match.group('closeTag')
 504                     spaceAfterClose = match.group('spaceAfterClose')
 505                     if spaceBeforOpen:
 506                         end = len(spaceBeforOpen)
 507                         msg = 'Headline starts with whitespace'
 508                         ao.out(path, lineNr, 0, end, line, msg)
 509                     if len(openTag) > 5:
 510                         start = openTagStart
 511                         end = openTagEnd
 512                         msg = 'Headline of level > 5'
 513                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 514                     if text:
 515                         iMatches = rec.finditer(r"[`']{2,}", text)
 516                         for iMatch in iMatches:
 517                             start = match.start('text') + iMatch.start()
 518                             end = match.start('text') + iMatch.end()
 519                             msg = 'Headline text contains markup'
 520                             ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 521                     else:
 522                         end = len(line)
 523                         start = openTagEnd - 1
 524                         msg = 'Headline contains no text'
 525                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 526                         continue
 527                     if not spaceAfterOpen:
 528                         if nIndicator:
 529                             start = match.start('nIndicator')
 530                         else:
 531                             start = match.start('text')
 532                         msg = 'Headline without whitespace after open tag'
 533                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, start + 1, line, msg)
 534                     if nIndicator:
 535                         start = match.start('nIndicator')
 536                         end = match.end('nIndicator')
 537                         msg = 'Headline with old numbering indicator'
 538                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 539                     if not closeTag:
 540                         msg = 'Headline without close tag'
 541                         ao.out(path, lineNr, len(line)-1, len(line), line, msg)
 542                         # Skip following checks when no close tag present.
 543                         continue
 544                     if len(openTag) != len(closeTag):
 545                         start = match.start('closeTag')
 546                         end = match.end('closeTag')
 547                         msg = ('Headline with different length open and close'
 548                         + ' tags')
 549                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 550                     if not spaceBeforClose:
 551                         start = match.start('closeTag')
 552                         msg = 'Headline without whitespace before close tag'
 553                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, start + 1, line, msg)
 554                     if spaceAfterClose:
 555                         start = match.start('spaceAfterClose')
 556                         end = match.end('spaceAfterClose')
 557                         msg = 'Headline ends with whitespace'
 558                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 560                 # Links:
 561                 matches = rec.finditer(r'''
 562                     (?P<openBrackets>\[[\[`]*) # Valid links got 2 brackets
 563                     (?P<openQuote>"?) # Artifact from old wiki conversion
 564                     \s*
 565                     (?P<linkUrl>.*?) # Link URL (not greedy)
 566                     \s*
 567                     (?P<closeQuote>"?) # Artifact from old wiki conversion
 568                     (?P<closeBrackets>[\]`]*\]) # Valid links got 2 brackets
 569                     ''', line, re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
 570                 for match in matches:
 571                     start = match.start()
 572                     end = match.end()
 573                     openBrackets = match.group('openBrackets')
 574                     openQuote = match.group('openQuote')
 575                     linkUrl = match.group('linkUrl')
 576                     if openQuote:
 577                         msg = 'Fail-converted unnamed internal link'
 578                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 579                         continue
 580                     if (len(openBrackets) == 1) and rec.search(r':', linkUrl):
 581                         msg = 'Fail-converted external link'
 582                         ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 583                         continue
 585                 # Old wiki uploads:
 586                 reStr = r'(^|\s)(?P<link>upload:\S+)(\s|$)'
 587                 matches = rec.finditer(reStr, line, re.I)
 588                 for match in matches:
 589                     start = match.start('link')
 590                     end = match.end('link')
 591                     msg = 'Old wiki upload link'
 592                     ao.out(path, lineNr, start, end, line, msg)
 594     except KeyboardInterrupt:
 595         o.write('\nProcessing interrupted by user!\n')
 597     eFileCount = d.decorateText(str(fileCount), d.textBYellow)
 598     eBlistedCount = d.decorateText(str(blistedCount), d.textBYellow)
 599     if ao.anomalyCount:
 600         eAnomalyCount = d.decorateText(str(ao.anomalyCount), d.textBYellow)
 601         eLineCount = d.decorateText(str(ao.lineCount), d.textBYellow)
 602         ePathCount = d.decorateText(str(ao.pathCount), d.textBYellow)
 603         msg = ('\nFound {0} anomalies in {1} lines from {2} files'
 604         + ' ({3} scanned, {4} excluded):\n')
 605         o.write(msg.format(eAnomalyCount, eLineCount, ePathCount, eFileCount
 606         , eBlistedCount))
 607         anomalyCounts = ao.anomalyCounts
 608         maxValue = sorted(anomalyCounts.values())[-1]
 609         maxValueLen = len(str(maxValue))
 610         keys = sorted(anomalyCounts.keys())
 611         for key in keys:
 612             eCount = '{0:{1}}'.format(anomalyCounts[key], maxValueLen)
 613             eCount = d.decorateText(eCount, d.textBYellow)
 614             o.write('  {0}  {1}\n'.format(eCount, key))
 615     else:
 616         msg = '\nFound no anomalies in {0} files ({1} excluded).\n'
 617         o.write(msg.format(fileCount, eBlistedCount))
 619 if __name__ == '__main__':
 620     main()

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  • [laden | anzeigen] (2017-12-30 11:04:24, 23.7 KB) [[attachment:larpWikiAnomalyScannerV2.py]]
  • [laden | anzeigen] (2018-01-01 19:37:58, 23.0 KB) [[attachment:larpWikiAnomalyScannerV3.py]]
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