2 --- moin-1.9.1-orig/MoinMoin/stats/hitcounts.py 2010-01-18 13:49:33.000000000 +0100
3 +++ moin-1.9.1/MoinMoin/stats/hitcounts.py 2010-02-14 17:24:28.000000000 +0100
4 @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
6 def draw(pagename, request):
7 import shutil, cStringIO
8 - from MoinMoin.stats.chart import Chart, ChartData, Color
9 + import gdchart
11 _ = request.getText
13 @@ -217,9 +217,12 @@
15 # create image
16 image = cStringIO.StringIO()
17 - c = Chart()
18 - c.addData(ChartData(views, color='green'))
19 - c.addData(ChartData(edits, color='red'))
20 + c = gdchart.Line()
21 + c.bg_color= 0xffffff
22 + c.line_color = 0x000000
23 +
24 + c.setData((views),(edits))
25 + c.ext_color=['green']*len(views) + ['red']*len(edits)
26 chart_title = ''
27 if request.cfg.sitename:
28 chart_title = "%s: " % request.cfg.sitename
29 @@ -229,26 +232,24 @@
30 'chart_title': chart_title,
31 'filterpage': filterpage,
32 }
33 - chart_title = "%s\n%sx%d" % (chart_title, _("green=view\nred=edit"), scalefactor)
34 - c.option(
35 - title=chart_title.encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace'), # gdchart can't do utf-8
36 - xtitle=(_('date') + ' (Server)').encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace'),
37 - ytitle=_('# of hits').encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace'),
38 - title_font=c.GDC_GIANT,
39 - #thumblabel = 'THUMB', thumbnail = 1, thumbval = 10,
40 - #ytitle_color = Color('green'),
41 - #yaxis2 = 1,
42 - #ytitle2 = '# of edits',
43 - #ytitle2_color = Color('red'),
44 - #ylabel2_color = Color('black'),
45 - #interpolations = 0,
46 - threed_depth=1.0,
47 - requested_yinterval=1.0,
48 - stack_type=c.GDC_STACK_BESIDE
49 - )
50 - c.draw(c.GDC_LINE,
51 - (request.cfg.chart_options['width'], request.cfg.chart_options['height']),
52 - image, days)
53 + chart_title = "%s\n%s x %d" % (chart_title, _("green=view\nred=edit"), scalefactor)
54 + c.title=chart_title.encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace') # gdchart can't do utf-8
55 + c.xtitle=(_('date') + ' (Server)').encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
56 + c.ytitle=_('# of hits').encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
57 + c.title_font_size='GIANT'
58 + c.threeD_depth=1.0
59 + c.requested_yinterval=1.0
60 + c.stack_type='BESIDE'
61 + c.width=request.cfg.chart_options['width']
62 + c.height=request.cfg.chart_options['height']
63 + c.setLabels(days)
64 +
65 + import tempfile
66 + f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".gif")
67 + c.draw(f.file)
68 + f.file.seek(0)
69 + image.write(f.file.read())
70 + f.close()
72 request.content_type = 'image/gif'
73 request.content_length = len(image.getvalue())
75 --- moin-1.9.1-orig/MoinMoin/stats/pagesize.py 2010-01-18 13:49:33.000000000 +0100
76 +++ moin-1.9.1/MoinMoin/stats/pagesize.py 2010-02-14 17:24:28.000000000 +0100
77 @@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
79 def draw(pagename, request):
80 import bisect, shutil, cStringIO
81 - from MoinMoin.stats.chart import Chart, ChartData, Color
82 + import gdchart
83 + from MoinMoin.util.web import Color
85 _ = request.getText
86 - style = Chart.GDC_3DBAR
88 # get data
89 pages = request.rootpage.getPageDict()
90 @@ -72,11 +72,11 @@
91 if upper_bound >= 65536:
92 bounds.extend([s*65536 for s in range(2, 9)])
94 - data = [None] * len(bounds)
95 + data = [0] * len(bounds)
96 for size, name in sizes:
97 idx = bisect.bisect(bounds, size)
98 ##idx = int((size / upper_bound) * classes)
99 - data[idx] = (data[idx] or 0) + 1
100 + data[idx] = data[idx] + 1
102 labels = ["%d" % b for b in bounds]
104 @@ -87,31 +87,35 @@
106 # create image
107 image = cStringIO.StringIO()
108 - c = Chart()
109 - ##c.addData(ChartData(data, 'magenta'))
110 - c.addData(ChartData(_slice(data, 0, 7), 'blue'))
111 - if upper_bound >= 1024:
112 - c.addData(ChartData(_slice(data, 7, 14), 'green'))
113 - if upper_bound >= 8192:
114 - c.addData(ChartData(_slice(data, 14, 21), 'red'))
115 - if upper_bound >= 65536:
116 - c.addData(ChartData(_slice(data, 21, 28), 'magenta'))
117 + c = gdchart.Bar3D()
118 + c.bg_color= 0xffffff
119 + c.line_color = 0x000000
120 +
121 + c.setData(data)
122 + c.ext_color= []
123 + for x in ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'magenta']:
124 + c.ext_color = c.ext_color + [ Color(x) ] * 8
125 title = ''
126 if request.cfg.sitename: title = "%s: " % request.cfg.sitename
127 - title = title + _('Page Size Distribution')
128 - c.option(
129 - annotation=(bisect.bisect(bounds, upper_bound), Color('black'), "%d %s" % sizes[-1]),
130 - title=title.encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace'), # gdchart can't do utf-8
131 - xtitle=_('page size upper bound [bytes]').encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace'),
132 - ytitle=_('# of pages of this size').encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace'),
133 - title_font=c.GDC_GIANT,
134 - threed_depth=2.0,
135 - requested_yinterval=1.0,
136 - stack_type=c.GDC_STACK_LAYER,
137 - )
138 - c.draw(style,
139 - (request.cfg.chart_options['width'], request.cfg.chart_options['height']),
140 - image, labels)
141 + c.title = title.encode('iso-8859-1','replace') + _('Page Size Distribution').encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
142 + c.width=request.cfg.chart_options['width']
143 + c.height=request.cfg.chart_options['height']
144 + c.xtitle=_('page size upper bound [bytes]').encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
145 + c.ytitle=_('# of pages of this size').encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')
146 + #c.annotate(point=bisect.bisect(bounds, upper_bound), color='black', note="%d %s" % sizes[-1])
147 + c.title_font_size="GIANT"
148 + c.stack_type="LAYER"
149 + c.threeD_depth=2.0
150 + c.requested_yinterval=1.0
151 + c.setLabels(labels)
152 +
153 + import tempfile
154 + f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".gif")
155 + c.draw(f.file)
156 + f.file.seek(0)
157 + image.write(f.file.read())
158 + f.close()
159 +
161 request.content_type = 'image/gif'
162 request.content_length = len(image.getvalue())
164 --- moin-1.9.1-orig/MoinMoin/stats/useragents.py 2010-01-18 13:49:33.000000000 +0100
165 +++ moin-1.9.1/MoinMoin/stats/useragents.py 2010-02-14 17:24:28.000000000 +0100
166 @@ -120,12 +120,11 @@
168 def draw(pagename, request):
169 import shutil, cStringIO
170 - from MoinMoin.stats.chart import Chart, ChartData, Color
171 + import gdchart
172 + from MoinMoin.util.web import Color
174 _ = request.getText
176 - style = Chart.GDC_3DPIE
177 -
178 # get data
179 colors = ['red', 'mediumblue', 'yellow', 'deeppink', 'aquamarine', 'purple', 'beige',
180 'blue', 'forestgreen', 'orange', 'cyan', 'fuchsia', 'lime']
181 @@ -152,26 +151,34 @@
183 # create image
184 image = cStringIO.StringIO()
185 - c = Chart()
186 - c.addData(data)
187 + c = gdchart.Pie3D()
188 + c.bg_color= 0xffffff
189 + c.line_color = 0x000000
190 + c.setData(*data)
192 title = ''
193 if request.cfg.sitename: title = "%s: " % request.cfg.sitename
194 title = title + _('Distribution of User-Agent Types')
195 - c.option(
196 - pie_color=colors,
197 - label_font=Chart.GDC_SMALL,
198 - label_line=1,
199 - label_dist=20,
200 - threed_depth=20,
201 - threed_angle=225,
202 - percent_labels=Chart.GDCPIE_PCT_RIGHT,
203 - title_font=c.GDC_GIANT,
204 - title=title.encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace')) # gdchart can't do utf-8
205 + c.color=colors
206 + c.label_font_size=0 #'SMALL'
207 + c.label_line=1
208 + c.label_dist=20
209 + c.threeD_depth=20
210 + c.threeD_angle=225
211 + c.percent_labels='RIGHT'
212 + c.title_font_size=2 #"GIANT"
213 + c.title=title.encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace') # gdchart can't do utf-8
214 labels = [label.encode('iso-8859-1', 'replace') for label in labels]
215 - c.draw(style,
216 - (request.cfg.chart_options['width'], request.cfg.chart_options['height']),
217 - image, labels)
218 + c.setLabels( labels )
219 + c.width = request.cfg.chart_options['width']
220 + c.height = request.cfg.chart_options['height']
221 +
222 + import tempfile
223 + f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".gif")
224 + c.draw(f.file)
225 + f.file.seek(0)
226 + image.write(f.file.read())
227 + f.close()
229 request.content_type = 'image/gif'
230 request.content_length = len(image.getvalue())